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So There Was More Cake....

Snapchat - @plum_stone Hey! In my last diary update, I suggested I was going to start de-cluttering in the kitchen. It IS happening but it's also not going quite to plan. I thought that eating everything out of the house would be a great way to not spend any money on food this month, until it had all gone. But I somehow managed to spend £80 on food this week?!?? My normal spend is £40 so I have NO idea how this happened!! And to add insult to injury, I thought I would use some of the ingredients up in the baking cupboard to make some vegan chocolate brownies. Not only did I not have ANY of the correct ingredients, the ingredients I substituted for were ALL out of date. Every single one. How did the vegan brownies fair?? NOT GOOD. NOT GOOD AT ALL. I think the main reason they turned out SO awful was I used extra virgin olive oil instead of coconut oil. Sorry - correction - seven month out of date extra virgin olive oil. God the taste. It was like nail varnish remover mi...

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